~ Send an Email Inquiry noting Your General Products/Services You'd like to Offer at the NBFM, Business & Your Name, & Phone Number ~
A Weekly Market Email is sent out Every Market Day Week between Thursday Afternoon and Saturday Morning with IMPORTANT INFORMATION pertinent to Arrival, Set-Up, Market Rules, Tearing Down, Exiting the Market, Etc.
If you DO NOT receive a weekly EMAIL by Saturday at 4:00pm ~ please TEXT 586-842-8029 with Notification so You Can Get it Sent to You.
*PLEASE READ Weekly Email for Weeks you will Be Participating In.
This Email Does Include A Large Amount of Information; however, It is Important to the Benefit of all Participants as well as the NBFM itself. It is suggested that you print these weekly emails and review them … you may be quite surprised, even if you've been attending quite awhile...of what's in there that you've never realized.
*Any Person Attending in Your Space (inside your space for more than 15 minutes) MUST ALSO be well-familiar with the rules/guidelines BEFORE attending. They MUST complete the cover page and sign that last 2 pages of the application packet to be submitting at check in. This only needs to be done once for the season.
The last pages of each application packet contain all of the details regarding the NBFM Guidelines, Policies, & other Important Details! Please Make Sure that ALL PERSONS Attending the Market in Your Space are Familiar with ALL of these items.
Our Mailing Address is:
Carl Weinreich - President
New Baltimore Farmers Market